

Personal data security rules
Name and surname: Ilona Mullerova
Company identification Number: 60522054
Address: Svánovského 9, Brno
Dear clients,
To be able to fulfill commitments to my clients and other subjects and legal regulations I must work some of your personal data up as follows:  Ilona Mullerova is the administrator of personal data as for EU regulation 2016/679 (GDPR).  Your personal data are worked up for me to be able to handle your orders and/or complains.  I work up your name and surname, your postal address, your e-mail, your telephone Number (if provided), your bank and/or PayPal account data, goods ordered and the price.  The fulfilment of the contract is the legal reason to work your data up. Personal data mentioned are worked up till the end of the warranty period.  Your personal data security is in compliance with the EU regulation 2016/679 (GDPR)  Your name and surname and your e-mail address are worked up to make me able to keep you informed about the new items in my stock. The legal reason why to do so is your approval you granted to me. You can withdraw this approval any time.  Your personal data can be afforded to institutions authorised by the law only, nobody else unless you are willing to explicitly approve me to do so. Your approval can be withdrawn any time.  No automated decizions nor any profilling will be done during your personal data working up.  I did not designate anybody to become an appointee for the personal data security, I did not designate anybody to work your personal data up and I did not ani designate any appointee to dulfill regulations as for GDPR.  I do not intend to afford you personal data to a third country, any international organization or other person.
 Anytime you have the right to withdraw your approval to work your personal data up, you have the right to access your personal data in my shop to correct or remove them or to limit their working up or raise objections to the working up. You have the right for the transfer of your personal data to another administrator and raise an objection to the Office for Personal Data Security if you mean that your personal data are worked up in contrariety with GDPR.




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